Hippocrates Garden is a certified organic botanical garden. In our garden one can find wild herbs, wild plants, fruits and vegetables. During 17 years of operation of the Garden, 5.000 cypress trees have been planted, by students of the schools on the island and visitors from around the world.

In our botanical garden you will find rosemary, bay leaves, balsam, oregano, verbena, sage, heather,mint,basil,thyme and many more wild herbs.

Perennial trees exist around us, such as cedar, whose species is protected in our area that is beside a wildlife sanctuary in Plaka. You will also find apple trees, peach trees, pomegranate trees, date palms, mulberries, figs, citrus and other trees. In our Garden we attempt to produce variety of species through natural methods. We teach the agriculture, In order to have in the future the necessary goods that will help us in understanding the health through diet.

You can read bellow the healing properties of some herbs:

  • Rosemary – Rosmarinus officinalis

Aromatic evergreen shrub belongs to the family Heilathes.

Plant known in antiquity when the ancient Greeks used it in various religious ceremonies and celebrations, decorations on buildings, temples and burned as incense.

It is used in the manufacture of medicines for rheumatism, for various oral irritation and coughing.

  • Noble laurel – Laurus nobilis

It belongs to the genus Daphne.

In Greece, the laurel has been known since ancient times and refer to it in Homer. Sacred tree was dedicated to the god Apollo. First the Greeks and then the Romans they used it to crown the winners of the games. So even today the laurel coincides with the glory, the victory and supremacy. In ancient times it was also known for therapeutic properties.

The essential oil of the leaves is used for the preparation of insecticides and pesticides.

  • Melissa – Melissa officinalis

One of the most popular herbs which dealt Dioscorides, perhaps the most distinguished botanist and pharmacologist of the Ancient World, is the notorious Melissa.

Accord Dioscorides if we tremper the leaves of the herb with wine, we make a poultice that can help us deal with stings from scorpions and spiders – phalanx or bites from dogs.

The decoction of the leaves are suitable for many uses. It may be used directly as a material for steam. Additionally is suitable emmenagogue. On the other hand, is useful to those suffering from toothache, because it can be used as a mouthwash. Similarly, it can be used as enema in cases of dysentery.

In medical practice is used as a tonic, antispasmodic, anti-rheumatic, appetizer and antiasthmatic. Recommended predominantly to address pain and spasms of the stomach, colic, indigestion, vomiting due to pregnancy, nervous crises, tooth aches, etc.

  • Louisa – Lippia citriodora

It belongs to the family Verbenaceae.

Louisa is used for diseases of the stomach, stops diarrhea and bleeding, is an effective tonic and on the other hand sedative, antipyretic, diuretic and recommended in cases of kidney stones.

The decoction is highly beneficial for the digestive system as it helps people suffering from dyspepsia, flatulence, neuralgia, colic of the stomach and intestines.

  • Sage – Salvia officinalis

It belongs to the genus of Αngiosperms.

The leaves are antiseptic, expectorant and they have spasmolytic properties.

The sage in the form of decoction is ideal for the treatment of oral injuries, pharyngitis and gingivitis.

It has tonic properties and is used as cardiotonic. Reduces gases intestine, is a diuretic and emmenagogue.

  • Reiki – Erica manipuliflora

Evergreen shrub of the family Ericaceae.

Believed that reiki with honey is real medicine for children suffering from glandular fever and the pollen of the heather (reiki) certainly heals the prostatitis of the elderly.